Gauvain de Morant : piano

Gauvain de Morant started playing the piano when he was 8, at Paris Conservatory CRR. He was coached by reknown teachers such as Yves Henry, Michel Beroff or TheYsaÿe Quartet. He finished his cursus with a First Prize of piano with the unanimity of the jury and got there his Diploma of Musical Studies (DEM)
After one year studying in the Professional Orientation Cycle at Boulogne Billancourt Conservatory CRR in the class of Marie-Paule Siruguet, Gauvain de Morant chose to perfect himself with the piano master Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden. He entered his class at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and passed his third year of bachelor's degree with great distinction. He passed his Specialised Master 2 with great distinction with Eliane Reyes too. He specialized afterwards in piano accompaniment in the class of Philippe Riga and got a first year Master with distinction. Next year he moved to pedagogy and got a distinction too for his aggregation cursus. Anxious to go on with his training as far as possible, he passed his didactic master in musical training with great distinction in 2018.
Gauvain was granted the « Gerofi » prize for his serious, and his brilliant results in 2013 together with a second prize « Charleroi Rotary Club prize » at the Charlier contest in 2014. In 2016 he has won a second medal at the International Brest contest Liszt category as a soloist, a second prize at the »Giovani Musicisti « International contest in Italy, and a first prize at the Sveril International contest in Slovenia in chamber music with the Spilliaert Trio. In 2018, he was awarded the Cap-Ferret Lège prize at the Lège-Cap-Ferret international music contest.

Gauvain de Morant has been playing in several festivals : « Brussels White Nights », the « Alicante/Spain International Youth Orchestra festival with the Twis Musical Ensemble, the « musiq'3 Festivals », « Ars musica », « Artonov Festival », Felix Mendelssohn Eurofestival », the « Quaregnon Piano International festival », « Music in our villages », « Cramard Chapel Festival », Chiré-en-Montreuil Festival », « Istvan Varga Festival ». He has been playing too with the Nivelles symphonic orchesrta and the Symphonic Orchesta of Student.

To show his will to take part in the Belgian musical life, as a musician as well as an organizer, Gauvain de Morant started the Spilliaert Trio and the« Musicabel » association which he presides today. Both tools allow him to promote Today and Yesterday Belgian Classical music.
Gauvain de Morant started his teaching career as an assistant of Eliane Reyes at the « Dinant Stage » in Belgium ; he his giving Chamber music courses while the « Chamber Music SummerRencontres » in Vouillé, France.